“Most people would agree that our body would rebel if we asked it to go from an eight-minute mile run one day to a six-minute mile run the next. Yet in our fervor to diet down to the perfect weight, we ask our brains to do the same by drastically changing our lifestyle habits in one day. Consider that our brains, like our body, will break down under similar demands.” Kim Miller
I only ask that you think about this. It takes more than willpower to change our habits. It takes thoughtful consideration for who we are, patience, and strategic planning for us to make lasting lifestyle changes. Consideration for small incremental lifestyle changes is an absolute must for long lasting behavior changes. Let the old way of dieting be out and the smart way to a healthier life be in! You can do it. There’s no hurry.
Thanks for posting, I truly liked your newest post. I think you should post more frequently, you obviously have natural ability for blogging!
Thank you for the kind comments and encouragement.
I think you are correct. More frequent blogs would be good.
Kim Miller
Hi, interest post. I’ll write you later about few questions!
Sure, any time. Kim
Hello. I think the article is really interesting. I am even interested in reading more. How soon will you update your blog?
I must say. After reading what I just read, you are an exciting author! Really, you use very good grammar, proper use of pronunciations, proper everything! I might additionally like to add and say that I think you pin pointed my style of writing as well which I adore! What I also admire about your blog is that you give an opportunity for a wider variety of an audience to unravel the immense storyline of your writings. And with that, I think you will definitely keep up succeeding in flourishing an exceptionally very well written piece 🙂
Never thought my writing would reach such a diverse group of people.
But I think you are right about the diversity of my readers.
I have no idea where they came from, but I am appreciative of all of them and the great comments.
I think I need to figure out a way to engage them more in what questions they may need answered, so that the spotlight is now off me, and more on what their needs are.
Thanks for the encouragement.
I have to admit that it is good to get such encouragement however