Two years, nine months, and some odd days ago, I described to a friend the perfect day. I would live as the old country Italians lived. There would be no rigorously set schedules to follow. The day’s work, play, family attentions, social gatherings, and personal responsibilities would flow freely, and naturally together.
As a young adult, many of us had few major responsibilities. There were no pressing concerns other than to play, learn and do a few household choirs. The challenge for me as I described to my friend, would be to revert back to those carefree young adult days while maintaining a full time career and family responsibilities.
Today, almost three years following that conversation, the minutes and hours which define specific responsibilities are nicely blurred, and the mindset needed to live carefree continues to be ingrained. I can go about my daily life, living and breathing what I love to do while balancing out responsibilities of daily living on my own schedule.
Coming from descendants in Italy, I may have an advantage in developing this old world vision of what my life could look like, but the greater advantage I see as a health coach is the realization that healthy living involves more than just working out and eating right. Healthy living involves such simple acts as opening our homes and inviting friends and family that inspire a sense of carefree purpose and joy in our lives.
This time of year it seems is a great time to reflect on how we may beautify our homes and gardens not only for enhancing our own enjoyment and healthy living I.Q. but for our families and friend’s as well.
With the arduous workloads you will be doing to carry out your home and garden plans, I’ve devised a list of 10 stretches that you may do after the day’s work is complete. Stretching is most effective in preventing increased stiffness if it is done right after physical activity. For best results implement them twice daily until soreness/stiffness subsides.
1. Supine Back Flexion – on back bring knees to chest and wrap arms around knees.
2. Supine Back Extension – on back with knees bent, raise hips and buttocks 10 times holding for 5 seconds at the top of the extension.
3. Supine Torso Twist- on back with knees bent allow knees to fall to side of body while arms are outstretched to sides of body with palms down.
4. Supine Hamstring Stretch – on back with one knee bent and one leg straight gently pull the extended leg toward you while maintaining a straight leg. Keep head on floor.
5. Standing Torso Extension – with feet shoulder, knees slightly bent, and one hand on hip, extend opposite arm over head and lean to opposite direction keeping head up.
6. Standing Quadriceps Extension – standing extend one leg behind you and gently pull ankle toward buttocks. Keep alignment tall receiving stretch in front of thigh.
7. Standing Calf Stretch – lean into wall with one leg extended and one bent. Keeping back leg heel in contact with floor, lean into wall receiving stretch in lower calf area.
8. Standing Arm Rotations – standing with knees slightly bent, rotate both arms forward 10 times the backward 10 times in large circles.
9. Standing Chest Stretch – standing with knees bent; bring both hands behind lower back while squeezing back muscles with shoulders relaxed.
10. Standing Trapezius Stretch – standing with knees bent, allow right ear to drop to right shoulder. Reverse.
Hold all stretches for 2 sets of 30 seconds except for numbers 2 and 8.
Our Wealth is in Our Health,
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