In these hectic times with banks failing, massive mortgage defaults, and market crashes, looking beyond our personal finances into the one investment we can’t live without, our health, is gaining traction.
Health and economics are now intertwined. Without robust health, we are personally bankrupt. Within 20 years many economists project our healthcare costs will bankrupt our economy if current trends continue.
Investing in our health should be similar to investing in a retirement savings plan. Contribute regularly over many years, and in our “golden years”years we have better health and happiness, more independence, lower medical costs, and a peaceful mind. Failure to make these contributions to our health account or regularly “depleting” our health savings through poor eating and exercise habits and we become weak and vulnerable to life’s ups and downs.
Most personal training clients I see today acknowledge the deep connection between their health and economic well being citing that it makes them more energetic, more work and family -productive, more optimistic about their healthy lives and keeps healthcare and pharmaceutical costs at a minimum.
This sentiment wasn’t always true. During my 10 years as a Personal Trainer at the Serenata Beach Club, focusing on the health benefits of exercise and eating right as the cornerstone to feeling good about ourselves and our healthy futures was not so apparent.
For the first eight of those ten years, I have felt like it was not what people wanted to hear.
Years later and mainly because of our changing times, the sentiment of Our Wealth Is in Our Health has taken hold. Looking good is still important, but even more important are the additional benefits of feeling good, being more productive in work and family life, cutting health care and pharmaceutical costs, and having the peace of mind knowing we are doing all we can to protect ourselves and our family’s future.
With staggering job losses seeming out of control, and many retirees having to stay in the job market, one would think that many more people would be seeking the assistance of personal trainers and health coaches. Why are we not doing so in greater numbers?
Making the connections a good personal trainer/health coach can offer are difficult. Many would benefit from the guidance of a skilled, trained professional-a health coach-to help them move forward in a positive way – even in the face of enormous external stressors. Just as we go to an accountant, a dentist, and other specialist when we want help, a trainer/coach is a skilled partner and the best antidote to the failure most people experience in trying to become fit, lean and healthy on their own. What do you think? Can a trainer/coach help you invest wisely for a better future?