A friend of mine who recently relocated to Colorado Springs and who is a retired doctor, often sends me interesting insights and perspectives on healthy living. His most recent e-mail pertains to the state of our President’s health status through his eyes (my friend’s eyes) and many progressive cardiac specialists whom he is in contact with through various formats.
President’s Health Status
In the e-mail below, he explains briefly how the President’s health status, contrary to what we may read and hear in the news is not accurate. Some of you may be chuckling to yourself, as you do not need to be reminded that what you read and hear in the news is not always accurate!
Risk Factors and Cholesterol
But placing those thoughts aside, read the e-mail below. Note his implied importance of cholesterol levels as they relate to risk factors: The more risk factors one has, the lower your cholesterol numbers should be to stave off various forms of heart disease.
President Obama has three risk factors for developing heart disease, and in the opinion of this doctor and aggressive preventative care cardiologists, this indicates the increased need to keep cholesterol levels even lower than what is generally considered acceptable by practicing physicians.
Personal Data
One last notation, and this is a personal note, if I may, any amount of smoking regardless of the ability to keep cholesterol levels low, is detrimental due to the effects it places on lung breathing capacity.
I’ve noticed that people often mistakenly believe if they train their cardiovascular systems intensely, with biking, walking, elliptical training, or running for example, they may decrease the effects of cigarette smoking. My own data suggests there are smokers who run,walk, jog, hike and etc. so they may “enjoy unharmed a smoke.” Think about that statement if you are included in this group, and I’d be happy to provide you with the necessary information to help you make an informed decision.
E-Mail Letter From Dr. Tom
Some of the comments I read and hear raise my blood pressure. Comments like “in awesome shape” or “great condition.” Truth? When you mess around with smoking, bad things can happen. The President has stated he believes he has 95% quit. But the question is 95% of what? Most people start smoking at age 15 so at age 48 he may have smoked 33 yrs. That is a big number medically. He has stated he has a Marlboro addiction. That is true. Marlboro is a very addicting cigarette and probably why it is the No 1 seller.
Recent studies have shown if you smoke just 3 cigarettes per day you have 70% of the medical effects of someone who smokes 2 packs per day!
Obama Wt. 180 lb and 6’1″ Very good BMI for USA
BP 108/62 Pulse 56 Outstanding
Cholesterol 208 ldl 138 HDL 62 Triglycerides ??
Aggressive preventive cardiologists would say these are worrisome numbers, as you now have 3 major risk factors.
1 Smoking
2 Elevated Cholesterol
3 Stressful Job
When you have 2 risk factors like smoking and stress then the cholesterol values become much more important. I would like to know his triglycerides as that is also very important. President Obama had a fast cardiac CT scan to evaluate the calcium score in his coronary arteries, but the result weren’t revealed.
My advice for the President is ‘You are playing with the Dragon’s tail and you better watch out because the Dragon can turn on you and burn you.’
Our Health is in Our Wealth,
Kim Miller
904 501 6002