Latest NewsDiscover our resources to motivate you to keep your body, mind, and life in peak functional health.
Head Wrestling Coach For 40 Years Gets His Life Back
The ONLY program where I have not gained back any of the 34 pounds that I lost and it’s been one full year. Kim has a way of letting this unfold as a real lifestyle change that doesn’t have you hungry or having to exert so much will power that you end up gaining the...
Head Wrestling Coach For 40 Years Gets His Life Back
The ONLY program where I have not gained back any of the 34 pounds that I lost and it's been one full year. Kim has a way of letting this unfold as a real lifestyle change that doesn't have you hungry or having to exert so much will power that you end up gaining the...
Strong Gluteal Muscles Prevent Hip and Back Pain
Learn what 3 exercises you can do to prevent hip and back pain while building up a tight derriere. Intro Strong Buttock Muscles a Must For Living the Life You Want How Can My Gluts Be Weak - I am Active? In my practice, I see clients that have poor gluteal...
Take Another Wagon Instead of Getting Off The Wagon
When daily routines get you out of your groove, empower yourself by taking another wagon. Intro Take Another Wagon Instead of Getting Off The Wagon The other day John and I had to unexpectedly make a trip to Ohio to assist my mother. Our long distance driving trip...
Inexplicable Weight Gain
Experts in the field of weight loss agree there are two main reasons that we may gain weight in the mid-section …The stress hormones cortisol and adrenalin actually prompt the body to store fat around the middle (even in skinny people)… That’s why so many healthy living diets fail…
Personal Lifestyle Stories 30 Days to Lean
This program has become more than just my passion. It has become my mission in life. Everyday, there are more and more people who are reaching out and know that they need a lifestyle change. And I want you to know that I am here to help you...