A Taste of the

Live Healthy Program

Find out what it’s like to be in this supportive program

01. Who is this for?

This program is for former athletes and formally fit women and couples.

02. target ages

Specialized programs for people in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.

03. Lifestyle

Dedicated to your success in healthy living with excersize and nutrition.

Proven Success

The Numbers Don’t Lie

+ Coaching Sessions

+ Pounds Lost

A Message From Kim

A big part of what we do here is springboarding into a more powerful, joyful way of being.

Once the keystone habits are dialed in and you’re eating the right amount of food for (immersion/or maintenance), it’s going to be the shifts in perspective that you make that will ultimately get you to success.

In Live Healthy, success means being at a healthy, fit, lean, strong weight, where your health numbers are optimal, and you can do whatever activities you want to do with ease and while looking good, too.

Years ago, I downplayed the last part of the above sentence – “and while looking good too.” I downplayed it because I didn’t want anything about Live Healthy to appear superficial. I’m here to tell you I am over that thinking! There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good. Feeling good about how our bodies look gives us confidence. I didn’t know what I was thinking years ago when I downplayed this!

When we add to it all the things that come with healthy living and weight loss, such as having fewer aches and pains, being less puffy in the middle, sleeping better, having glowing skin, and being able to do things like playing with the grandkids or keeping up with our adult children, we are just happier. Our serotonin goes up, and we are less depressed and feel the power within us.
I know that a big part of why you are considering this program is because you are not about settling. You want to live healthily in mind, body, and spirit. And, you realize that your health is fundamental to living the life you see for yourself as you head into your 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond.

Our goal is to have fun with this program, and challenge yourself no matter where you are at now. Claim your power by setting a goal, then use the goal to guide you, but not judge you. Use your goals as smart assessments as to what you can be doing better in the areas of the keystone habits and eating the right foods for you in the right amounts.

And the best thing about starting this program is that our graduates can reach out to me if they get stuck and need a shift in perspective or a boost to accelerate them again so they can continue on the right path!


Resonate Live Healthy?

I counted my years and found that I have less time to live from here on than I have lived up to now.
I feel like that child who won a packet of sweets: he ate the first with pleasure, but when he realized that there were few left, he began to enjoy them intensely.
I no longer have time for endless meetings where statutes, rules, procedures and internal regulations are discussed, knowing that nothing will be achieved.
I no longer have time to support the absurd people who, despite their chronological age, haven’t grown up.
My time is too short:
I want the essence,
my soul is in a hurry.
I don’t have many sweets
in the package anymore.
I want to live next to human people,
very human,
who know how to laugh at their mistakes,
and who are not inflated by their triumphs,
and who take on their responsibilities.
Thus human dignity is defended and we move towards truth and honesty.
It is the essential that makes life worth living.
I want to surround myself with people who know how to touch hearts, people who have been taught by the hard blows of life to grow with gentle touches of the soul.
Yes, I’m in a hurry, I’m in a hurry to live with the intensity that only maturity can give.
I don’t intend to waste any of the leftover sweets.
I am sure they will be delicious, much more than what I have eaten so far.
My goal is to reach the end satisfied
and at peace with my loved ones
and my conscience.
We have two lives.
And the second begins when you realize you only have one.
Credits : Mário Raul de Morais Andrade (Oct 9, 1893 – Feb 25, 1945)
Brazilian poet, novelist, musicologist, art historian and critic, photographer.



Here you’ll see what it’s like to be a part of the Live Healthy Program and Community. This is just a taste of all that is offered in the way of support.


Celebrating our newest members on this recording. And…insight into how not to sabotage yourself.


Help me celebrate a few of our new members!

Welcome Jane Archer!
A retired educator 82 years young and ready to get her energy and enthusiasm for life back! We got you Jane.
P.s. our 84 year old retired nun Jackie can be your inspiration in here!
Welcome Tracy Graham 60 years young, an avid golfer and all around fitness woman, ready to take it up a notch after caring for her husband.
P.s. our member Karen Crowfoot May be your inspiration as she leaned up her midsection big time in 4 short months!
Welcome Theresa Grzybek another retired educator who is ready. Theresa from
My part of the world, ponte Vedra Florida is looking forward to returning to the active lifestyle she loved, hiking and biking and now being with her daughter and 4 kids who moved nearby! Get ready Theresa. We’ll get you in that swimsuit too feeling carefree again.
P.s. your inspiration may be member Diane Folken out in Colorado who loves to hike as well. Down 17 pounds in 5 short weeks and who posted last week all the pants she’s donating, she’ll be inspirational for you.
These are the good days everyone!

Celebration Friday

What a great week of calls and texts this whole week!
Congratulations, Vicki Cleveland. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you for hanging in there and getting your big mindset break. Since then, you’ve leaned up 14 pounds and regained your power! Momentum is on your side now, so there are only 16 to go. Yes!
Congratulations to Wanda Wood, who is down 10 pounds from 191 to 181 in 3 short weeks! Hurrah! Now, post-surgery, we pray for a quick and healthy return to Living Healthy. We’ll be ready for you, Wanda.
Congratulations to Jane Archer and Donna Donna Vincelette Houchinson for getting clarity over this past week. I am so looking forward to seeing you rise now. Nice work supporting you and not beating yourselves up. It’s the Live Healthy way!
Congrats to Deborah Crawford, who is down 36 pounds in four short months and empowered to get to her new goal weight ( which she keeps changing on me and going lighter, ha!). You can do it, or as Carol Steinhaus says, “Just Do IT”. We love your style in this program: doing the work and getting into the flow with no drama. It’s the live healthy way. Great job, Deb.
Have a great week!

Congratulations To member Ellen Hunt!

Last week, Ellen was recognized for her service in the military in honor of Women’s History Month.

Ellen’s uniform, last worn in 2006, fits as well now as it did then!

Also,congratulations to Ellen for losing 16 pounds in 6 short weeks!

Celebrating you today, Ellen!

Thank you for your service!

The Live Healthy Team

Watch the Masterclass!

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