I am a 70 year old man enjoying my family, my faith, golf, the beach, gardening, reading, music and yes, food. I have both an engineering master’s degree and an MBA and worked for over 30 years using both degrees. When I married my wonderful, caring wife 50 years ago, I was 6 feet tall and weighed 135 lbs.
The thin man days faded away during my working years as I gained 60 pounds, stopped exercising, and slowly but surely took on high blood pressure and cholesterol problems. In 2001, my wife and I retired and moved to Florida where we met Kim Miller, founder of Body Smart. Kim has always encouraged me to eat and work out smartly but, as is often is the case, I had difficulty internalizing her message.
In 2010, on the golf course, my hand went numb. I had suffered a very mild stroke that fortunately left no side effects. I weighed 215 pounds and was taking both blood pressure and high cholesterol meds. I became determined to lose some weight and get more exercise. I tried cutting back on the eating and using the treadmill more. And through my efforts, although a little haphazard, I did lose 15 pounds. So, in 2015 I still weighed 200 lbs and had low energy.
It was at that time that I became aware of Kim’s program. I thought at the time, this may work for me – a planned for me meal plan with recipes, no meetings and coaching from Kim. So I signed up. Over the next few months I went from 200 pounds to 170 pounds and never felt hungry and always felt energetic. The recipes are appetizing and filling. Even more importantly, on top shedding pounds, my cholesterol and blood pressure numbers are now normal.
We all know that many factors contribute to how long we are going to live. I think it is important that while we are here we feel good about ourselves and our bodies; keep moving as we get older and enjoy life; including food and drink. Kim’s program has helped me understand this and I encouraged others to try her programs. It is an investment in your life.