Lost same +/-4.5 lbs 3 times! Wt 121 & I am just fine with that for now. It will go lower & stay down if/when I focus 100% but that is just not where my energy is right now. Wt management used to be a large part of who I was (family, career, & health). “Health” meant wt = 115 – 118. I am not that person anymore & striving to regain a target wt that was a struggle for 40 years is just not that compelling at 74. Cancer treatment meds I took for 5 years added 15 unwanted lbs the last of which are finally gone. I am healthy & well & adjusting to a whole new life orientation as a widow w/worldwide interests. Gearing up for abt a month in Kenya & South Africa in October. Tks to your influence I also have a new & improved nutritional pattern that I know will keep me in good stead while I am traveling & working in another cultural environment as well as when I am back home again. What food ideas I have now internalized are portable. Thank you my dear for helping me get a workable grip on healthier nutrition & in the bargain wt maintenance. I am in your debt!!! If I do feel a need to drop a few pounds I know how to do it in a way that will keep them off. Remember my journey began back in February when I was weighing 130-135 so it has been slow but steady. Thank you again for all I have learned from you. You are a gifted teacher. Jean P.