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Three Great Ways to Recover From a Hard Workout

Strengthening our muscles requires more than just varying our exercise routines. Maintaining and increasing our strength  requires that our muscles recover from a tough workout.  Recovery from a tough workout is all about getting the right combination of rest and...

Do You Suffer From Hip Pain?

  Who Get's Hip Pain? Hip pain is a common problem for both ultra active people and sedentary people. It is the extremes of living at both ends of the activity spectrum that gets us into trouble with hip pain. Chronic pain is a sign that there is irritation or...

3 Things You Can Do Today To Decrease Belly Fat

Inexplicable Weight Gain The other day I was out talking to a friend in the neighborhood.  She told me she had recently gained a few pounds in her mid-section and doesn’t understand why. She did say she had not been sleeping much and that she is worried about a few...

How to Get Back into Shape After an Injury

So often we are focused on feeling good through exercise that we forget to take the time to monitor how we really feel. Most everyone agrees that exercise makes us feel better about our bodies and our lives in general. All too often though we get wrapped up in the...