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Does Increased Muscle Size Really Increase Metabolism?

    A few years ago I wrote an article for Old City Life Magazine titled, “Why Women and Men Both Need to Focus On Muscle.” I have it posted on my blog now and you can find it on the link at the end of this article. Read it for an overview on why muscle is...

Did You Ever Wonder…Why Oh Why Am I Training?

Why Are You Training? This is the question: "What are we training for?" Are we training for increased muscle mass? More energy? Better body definition? Weight loss? Better bone densiity? Decreased injury risk? Decrease disease probability in later years? Or even just...

What The Heck Really Creates Exercise Habit Change?

Hi Everyone, It's Totally Tone Tuesday and it's the day we talk about strengthening, stretching, and balance. If you've noticed there is a direct correlation between leg/core strength and balance. In other words, people who have strong legs and cores tend to have...

Sabotaging Your Own Fitness and Healthy Eating Goals?

Do you Find That You Just Can't Change Your Ways No Matter How Hard You Try? I have an uber important question for you today. But stick with me for a minute because it may appear hokey. Do you have a fear of eating healthy and exercising more? Do you ever feel ready...